Hathaway Brown Summer Camp
Registration Now Open
Hathaway Brown School is excited to once again offer a variety of engaging and educational programming for boys and girls this summer. Beginning June 6 and running through August 19, HB will offer a wide array of academic, athletics, and enrichment camps in the summer.
Registration is now open -- sign up to join us today!
Programming at a glance:
Athletics Camps: Girls will learn individual fundamental skills, team strategies, sportsmanship and character development in a fun, yet competitive environment. Sports include soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, tennis, and more.
> NEW for 2016: GameOn Sports Camp
Broad Horizons Day Camp: Our flagship program, this customizable camp offers flexible scheduling, lunch options, tennis and swimming lessons, and before and after care.
> NEW for 2016: Broader Horizons camp for girls grades 6-8
Vacation Camps: Less structured programming for Spring Break (March) and Summer Break (August) campers.
Specialty Camps: A fun, hands-on set of unique and immersive experiences for the summer. From leadership to archaeology and discovery to digital photography, these camps will keep boys and girls entertained and engaged this summer.
> NEW for 2016: Camp bundles and Mini-Maker, Minecraft, Snapology Lego, Mixed Media Art, and Election 2016 camps.
Summer Studies: These courses offer credit in a co-ed program designed to provide an optimum learning experience for high school students across the region. Courses include economic policy, chemistry, computer science, Arabic, U.S. History, and more.
> NEW for 2016: College Essay Bootcamp, Honors Chemistry, Freshman Fitness, Sophomore Wellness, Junior Wellness, From Bach to Rock, and more.
Superstart: Jumpstart the new school year with a refreshed approach to math, reading, writing, foreign language, or study skills for students in grades 2-8.
HB Theatre Institute: HBTI is committed to helping young people improve their skills in performing arts through a challenging curriculum of drama, dance, music and/or design, and the opportunity to participate in fully staged productions. For grades 1-12 and college students.
> NEW for 2016: HBTI’s summer season will present the award-winning musicals, "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Into the Woods."
We're happy to create a flexible option to meet your childcare needs! Contact Siva Grossman at 216.320.8085 or sgrossman@hb.edu for details.
HB summer programming is open to everyone, and public programming like this help support the school's mission and educational activities year round. Please share this information with any of your friends and family who may be interested in joining us on campus for learning and fun!